Agnes Moorehead Net Worth 2024

Introduction to Agnes Moorehead’s Legacy

Agnes Moorehead was an iconic American actress whose career spanned over three decades. She is best remembered for her role as Endora on the television series “Bewitched”. Despite her passing in 1974, her legacy continues to captivate audiences, and her estate still garners interest, particularly when discussing her net worth in the years following her death.

Understanding Net Worth

Before delving into the specifics of Agnes Moorehead’s net worth in 2024, it’s important to understand what net worth represents. It is the total assets owned by an individual minus any liabilities. For a late actress like Moorehead, this would include residuals, royalties, and any other posthumous earnings.

Agnes Moorehead’s Financial Snapshot

  • Estimated Net Worth: $10 million
  • Age: Would have been 122
  • Born: December 6, 1900
  • Country of Origin: United States
  • Source of Wealth: Actress, Radio Performer

Early Career and Financial Beginnings

Agnes Moorehead’s career began in the 1930s, with her work in radio and on Broadway. Her early earnings set the foundation for her later financial success. However, it was her transition to film and television that significantly increased her wealth.

Transition to Film and Television

Moorehead’s move to the silver screen and her role in “Bewitched” not only solidified her fame but also had a substantial impact on her earnings. Her performances in movies like “Citizen Kane” and “The Magnificent Ambersons” were critically acclaimed and contributed to her financial portfolio.

Residuals and Royalties

One of the key components of an actor’s net worth, especially after their passing, is the income generated from residuals and royalties. Moorehead’s work on “Bewitched” and other productions continues to generate earnings for her estate.

Agnes Moorehead’s Estate Management

After her death, Moorehead’s estate was managed to ensure that her assets were preserved and continued to generate income. This careful management is a crucial factor in understanding her net worth in 2024.

Posthumous Recognition and Earnings

Agnes Moorehead has continued to receive recognition for her work posthumously. This has included re-releases of her films and shows, which have contributed to her estate’s earnings.

Investments and Asset Growth

Aside from her acting income, Moorehead’s net worth would have been influenced by any investments made during her lifetime. The growth of these investments can significantly impact the value of her estate.

Inflation and Its Impact

When discussing net worth from a historical perspective, it’s important to account for inflation. The value of Moorehead’s earnings during her lifetime would be much higher when adjusted for today’s dollars.

Charitable Contributions and Estate Planning

Moorehead was known for her philanthropy. Any charitable contributions and the specifics of her estate planning could have affected the total value of her estate.

Merchandising and Licensing Deals

The continued popularity of “Bewitched” and other shows Moorehead was a part of has led to merchandising and licensing deals that contribute to her estate’s income.

Agnes Moorehead’s Net Worth in 2024: A Comprehensive Look

Considering all the factors from residuals, royalties, investments, and inflation, Agnes Moorehead’s net worth in 2024 is a reflection of her enduring legacy and the timeless appeal of her work.

Comparative Wealth Analysis

When comparing Moorehead’s net worth to that of her contemporaries or modern-day actresses, it’s clear that her financial legacy has remained robust over the years.

The Role of Memorabilia in Net Worth

Collectibles and memorabilia associated with Agnes Moorehead also play a role in her estate’s value. Auctions and private sales of items related to her career contribute to the overall net worth.

FAQs About Agnes Moorehead’s Net Worth

  • How does Agnes Moorehead’s net worth compare to other actresses of her time?
    Moorehead’s net worth is quite impressive, especially when considering the longevity of her career and the continued popularity of her work.
  • Are there any active revenue streams contributing to her net worth?
    Yes, residuals from reruns, licensing deals, and merchandise sales all contribute to her estate’s income.
  • Did Agnes Moorehead have any endorsements?
    During her lifetime, Moorehead may have had endorsements, but it is her acting work that primarily contributes to her current net worth.
  • How does inflation affect the calculation of her net worth?
    Inflation is taken into account by adjusting past earnings to reflect current value, giving a more accurate picture of her net worth today.
  • What happens to Moorehead’s net worth in the future?
    Her net worth will likely continue to be influenced by the ongoing popularity of her work and any future projects that utilize her image or performances.


Agnes Moorehead’s net worth in 2024 is a testament to her talent, hard work, and the timeless nature of her performances. Her role as Endora in “Bewitched” and her appearances in classic films have ensured that her estate continues to thrive. Through residuals, royalties, and the careful management of her assets, Moorehead’s financial legacy endures, captivating new generations and confirming her status as a Hollywood legend. Her net worth is not just a figure but a reflection of an illustrious career that continues to resonate with fans around the world.
