Agender Vs. Nonbinary: What's The Difference?

Spotting the exact difference between agender and nonbinary is rather difficult, as nonbinary is the umbrella term under which agender exists. "There's a lot of overlap in the terminology," psychiatrist Dr. Meredith Chapman told Teen Vogue. "Agender typically means being genderless, without a gender identity or gender neutral. Terms used by the healthcare community and transgender and gender-nonconforming people (TGNC) are constantly changing and progressing." Adding the complexity of understanding definitions is the fact that not only does language change, but sometimes definitions themselves shift.

"Genderqueer, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming are some terms used to describe a person whose gender identity does not match with the binary model of gender like man/male/boy or woman/female/girl," said Dr. Chapman. "A person who is agender sees themselves as neither man nor woman, has no gender identity, or no gender to express. This is an example of someone who may also identify as genderqueer or non-binary. Similar terms to agender include genderless, gender neutral, and neutrois."

Essentially, agender and nonbinary, which points to those who do not identify with a gender, are similar in many ways, though nonbinary can also be used to describe other gender identities outside of agender.
